Feathers to Fur Pet Care LLC, CPPS
December 30, 2020
I hope that this letter finds you and your pets all in good health and glad to see 2020 go!!! Despite all the crazy happenings I feel this year has flown by!!
I was lucky to visit some of your pets while you traveled local or by car!! Welcome to my new customers and their furry family members!! Thank you for the business I appreciate it!!
Last time I checked in was the beginning of April! By the end of April, I was sitting on my derrière having fractured my right knee playing Super Women in the garden moving a rock!!
Good timing as we all went into lock-down!! Lucky, no surgery just rest, crutches and Physical Therapy!! So, if you want to know when it is going to rain or snow just ask my knee!!
I did have some fun driving the carts at Costco!! LOL!! We have enjoyed some family time in our little bubble of people, I hope you all have too!
We celebrated our Granddaughter’s Birthday in September the Big 2!! She keeps the sparkle in our lives!! In October we went to Estes Park for our anniversary,
so glad we did as the fires broke out a week later! Went for a few hikes in Garden of the Gods.
Having spoken with some of you this year I send out Big Hugs for the loss of your Fur Babies. Best Thing about having our pets, Unconditional Love. The Worst, saying Good-bye.
Some of you have posted wonderful ratings on Next Door others have posted on my Face Book business page!! Thank you! If any of you who haven’t done this yet and would like to,
I would appreciate it!! Or if you just want to keep up to date on Fun pictures of your pets, Pet food recalls or good informational articles on pets Health and welfare please
“Like” my Face Book page! https://www.facebook.com/FeatherstoFurPetCareLLC. I Look forward to seeing you and your pets again soon!
I am available for Your Vacations, Day Trips, Working long days, Afternoon Potty Breaks and if need be emergency!!
Wishing All of you, your Furry, Feathered and Scaled family members a Healthy, Happy New Year!! Who can guess what the last language is!? Hint Sheldon!!
Wesolych Swiat, Buon Natale, Frohe Weinachten, Joyeux Noel, Feliz Navidad,
Meli Keuliseumaseu, Hanukkah Sameach or Chaq Urim Sameach, Mele Kalikimaka, and finally QISmaS Quch Daghajjaj !!
Thank You Again, Feathers to Fur Pet Care LLC, CPPS